

Holoholona is a pet check-in application created for the HACC 2021 competition challenge from the Hawaii Department of Agriculture Animal Quarantine (H.D.O.A.). The purpose of this app was to create a smoother check-in process for pet owners and the H.D.O.A. Since the office is too small, pet owners have to wait outside due to COVID-19 restrictions. The H.D.O.A. needed an cost effective application to easily contact owners so they do not have to wait outside. Our solution was cost-free implementation where pet owners can check-in without having to sign-up. Once checked in and H.D.O.A. has an owner's pet ready, they would be notified that they are permitted to enter the building for picking up their pet.

My Contributions

For this application, I created the check-in form and collection. I made the form so that pet owners are not required to sign up with an account. This check-in form only requires the firstname, lastname, email, and phone number of the pet owner. For the phone number input, I used a little bit of Regex in order to format the cell numbers where it auto fills the hyphens based on US-based phone numbers in order to prevent additional human error. A code snippet can be found below. The input field was type 'tel'; however, on computer you were still able to type in any letter. To combat this, I had to replace any non-numeric input or hyphen with an empty string. Then once all ten digits are filled it will add hypens appropriately. Once the information is submitted, it gets added to the Check-In Collection where it can be viewed on the Check In page by pet owners or the H.D.O.A under an administrative account.

     let formatted = num.replace(/[^0-9|-]/g, '');
     // Once the number is filled out, set the hyphens appropraitely
     formatted = formatted.replace(/(\d{3})-{0,1}(\d{3})-{0,1}(\d{4})/g, '$1-$2-$3');

Overall Experience

This was my first time participating in the Hawaii Annual Coding Challenge. It was cool seeing the final presentations of each team and see the finalist as well. I felt that this was a great experience and would be open to participating in future hackathons.

