Hex Escape Game


Hex Escape is a fantasy puzzle-platformer game that utilizes perspective. You play as a young hero and embark on a journey to find a way to escape. This platformer game consists of 3D environments and 2D characters in which the player must make use of the ability to switch perspectives (between 2D and 3D) to realign platforms, solve puzzles, and avoid the monsters. This was a semester long team project where we worked together using the kanban style of development through Trello.

This game was made with a mixture of C# and Bolt, which is Visual Scripting on Unity. Our team documented the progress and can be viewed through this YouTube playlist here. Originally, we were leaning towards a JRPG style of game, but shifted gears towards a puzzle game genre. In this project, I worked on the development and design layout of the first and last level of this game. Below is a quick play-through of the gameplay for Hex Escape:



For more information and download of this game can be found on itch.io here.