Bloberta Game


Bloberta is a game where you play as blobfish named Bloberta where you try to hatch eggs and survive long enough to ensure your children hatch. If you do not survive long enough to see your children hatch then the existence of blobfish will soon be extinct. This was about a month long solo project and my inspiration to make this game came from watching a few documentaries about Blobfish in my spare time.

This game was made with a mixture of C# and Bolt, which is Visual Scripting on Unity. I created Bloberta the blobfish and red shrimp through Blender and did some character rigging for their own movements. The terrain was made using Unity ProBuilder and the mini-map was created using a secondary camera at birds eye view and follows Bloberta as she moves across the map. The feed of the secondary camera is put into as render texture and displayed onto mini map in the top right. In addition, I added an objective menu that shows what is left to do in the game. If you complete all the objectives then you win the game.

The hook's movement was created using a state machine where there were one of two states that could occur. The first state was random movement and the second state occurred when the player comes close to the hook where it tries to reel you in. Similarly, the state machine was done with the red shrimp, but instead it tries to run away from you if you get too close. Lastly, I added a 'struggle' feature where you must press a combinations keys (wasd) in order to free yourself from the hook.

Demo Video

Below is a quick play-through of the gameplay for Bloberta: