So far I believe that Javascript is awesome! I find this language more similar to Java with most of the syntax calls that I used back in ICS 111 and 211. These syntax include “while”, “for”, and “if”-statements for a quick example. I technically learned a little bit of JavaScript with my web development class (ICS 215). To me, I think Javascript is a great language for software engineers because you are able to create custom HTML pages that are interactive. This allows the programmer to come up with unique web pages and designs to make the user experience better.
Athletic software engineering is an interesting concept and motivates me to become better at programming in a set amount of time. Especially in jsFiddle, where we are required to delete our progress if we did not finish in the alloted time and start again with the timer reset. I see this as a great practice and a learning experience to brainstorm different ways to solve a problem.The practice WODS and bWOD from this past week has been significantly useful, but it can stressful when the solution does not seem so clear.
I think this method will help me understand how to program in stressful situations and to take a calm and collective approach. This is vital because as humans, sometimes we minds confuse ourselves when overly stressed out. Even if I did not finish the first time and can always try again and log my average time on solving particular problems. Striving to undertand the problem and objective is better than rushing for an unfinished product that might not work.