Goals for Software Engineering

06 Sep 2019

I find the topic of software engineering exciting because this field involves applications we use every day. Applications can appear to be subtle like our calculator or social applications which connect everyone around the world. As we all move forward in our growing technology, software engineers create the next big thing that everyone will love. This specific field is usually in high demand to find talented engineers to pave the way to the future.

Through this course, I hope to gain more knowledge and skills to becoming a better software engineer. Learning to be creative when solving a problem, yet efficient with time effectiveness. This can allow me to think outside the box and help me formulate solutions to the question. Not simply rushing just to get the program over with, but rather to take my time and understand what I am trying to accomplish for my goal.

In the first two weeks of this semester, I realized that I have to work a lot to improve myself if I wish to become a software engineer. My main hopes are learning as much as I can, being confident in solving program problems and utilizing my resources to hone in on my skills. With these goals sent in mind, I believe that I will be able to steps closer to becoming a software engineer.